17. Procedure for issue of Refund Adjustment Order or Refund Payment Order
(1) When the prescribed authority is satisfied that a refund of tax, penalty or interest, if any, is due to a person under section 18 he shall record an order showing the amount of refund due and shall communicate the same to the person or the employer concerned.
(2) When an order for refund has been passed under sub-rule (1), the prescribed authority shall, if the person or the employer desires payment in cash, make the refund accordingly subject to the proviso to section 18.
(3) If the person or the employer desires payment of the refund by adjustment against any amount payable by him in respect of the period for which return is to be furnished or payable under notice in Form VIII, or payable by the person to whom a certificate of enrolment has been issued, the prescribed authority shall grant a refund adjustment order in Form XVIII.